Chicken Nugget is an offbeat Kdrama comedy that follows Choi Sun-Man (Ryu Seung-Ryong) who has a small machine company. One day, Choi Sun-Man’s daughter, Choi Min-A (Kim You-Jung) uses a new machine thinking that it can relieve stress. Unfortunately, the machine was delivered by mistake and turns Min-A into a piece of chicken nugget.
Her father’s employee, Go Baek-Joong (Ahn Jae-Hong) alerts Sun-Man and they struggle to bring Min-A back to human form.
The Kdrama is based on a webtoon, Dakgangjeong, which was written by Park Ji-Dok. The webtoon ran from September 21, 2019 to August 2, 2020.
Table of Contents
When is Chicken Nugget Kdrama Coming Out? Where to Watch the Show
Chicken Nugget will be coming out on Friday, March 15, 2024 on Netflix.
Chicken Nugget Kdrama Episode Release Guide
Chicken Nugget will have a total of 12 episodes, which are all expected to release on the same day.
Chicken Nugget Kdrama Cast
Main Cast:
- Ryu Seung-Ryong as Choi Sun-Man
- Ahn Jae-Hong as Go Baek-Joong
Supporting Cast:
- Kim You-Jung as Choi Min-A
- Jung Ho-Yeon